Over the years We have listened to Your Feedback,One of the most common
Questions was; Is there a way for you to store all my information so i don't have to fill out the entire Order Form every time I order Ribbons?
I want the same ribbons I ordered last Year but I don't remember what
"style" ribbon I ordered.

In answer to those repeated questions We are Very Pleased to introduce
Our Brand New Free Service "MY ACCOUNT"
Here's how it works...
Once You sign up for a free account manager you will receive a
User-Name and Password via Email.
Log On and enter Your Customer Information...Street Address,City or Town,Zip Code etc. If You want us to ship your Order to a different
location, Use The "Edit Shipping" Button.
That's all there is to it!!!!
After You place your very first order using "My Account"
All of that information will be held in a Data Base until the next time you order!! (Always log in to Your Account to Order using the "Order" button.)
If ANY of Your information has changed since the last time you ordered you will be given the opportunity to edit any information as you go,And that new information will automatically be stored for the next order.
All you ever have to change is "The Date of Event".

We are very happy to offer you this free service and sincerely wish that you take advantage of it, We strive to make ordering ribbons as easy as possible.

Please Sign Up Today!!!

Thank You,
Page E Estes,